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Writer's pictureKwesi Ghartey-Tagoe

Radio Peace raising funds to help lift over 700,000 out of poverty & sickness

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We are on the ground providing voice to the Marginalized & Deprived

I want to share an amazing story with you today.

For almost 20 years Radio Peace has been working with rural and marginalized communities to assist in alleviating poverty. When the radio station was initiated most communities in the Central Region of Ghana were without potable water and some basic necessities to make them live decent lives. With the intervention of the Radio Station, marginalized communities have gained their voice and are now able to speak on issues that affect them directly on radio and they have demanded responses from duty bearers. Today some of these communities can boast of good drinking water, broken bridges have been repaired, feeder roads have been provided, clinics, good family planning practices, good breastfeeding practices including the recognition to register their children at birth.

Rural populations have attested to the invaluable service Radio Peace has provided: “it makes us feel part of Ghana”, “now we are up to date with things around us”, “we are able to contribute to local and national issues using our own voices”, and “we are learning new skills and therefore improving upon our farm produce”. Summed-up by a community member: “Take radio Peace away from us and we lose our language and culture.” Between 2008 and 2016 the Ghana Journalist Association (GJA) has adjudged radio Peace as either the best rural community radio in Ghana or the best Akan Radio Station or both each year.

Yet still a lot more communities are so deprived and a lot needs to be done. Radio Peace has vowed to continue serving the marginalised until poverty and ignorance are eliminated. We cannot do this alone if you don’t lend a hand. Why don’t you give your support to this effort by giving? Nothing is too small to give. Radio Peace is looking to raise £50,000 to train volunteers and producers to enter communities, to organise community forums, transportation to access remote areas, design and produce radio programmes with community voices among others to lift over 700,000 (Seven Hundred Thousand) poor people out of poverty, sickness and squalor.

We do know you believe that rural communities can develop for the better. Please do give generously.

Radio Peace is a rural grassroots community radio which is non-profit, non-partisan, non sectarian and staffed largely by unpaid volunteers

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