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Writer's pictureKwesi Ghartey-Tagoe

Challenges: COVID-19 and Radio Peace

Challenges Posed by COVID-19: Radio Peace


As a community radio station, Radio Peace engages directly with its community members applying participatory methodologies in its engagements. Since the onset of COVID – 19 and the World Health Organisation (WHO) declaring it as Pandemic with its accompanying protocols, Radio Peace has been facing tremendous challenges. Below are but a few of the challenges facing Radio Peace upon the onset of the pandemic which should be worth sharing.


1. Programming: Radio programme design and production has greatly been affected. Citing an example of a radio programme; the Agriculture programme – Akuaye Hom Nyimdze; the production aspect of the programme which is often undertaken in the field has now been halted. Production is now being carried out remotely with farmers but here too there is the challenge of technology usage. Further, community consultations which are a major part of developing themes for programme production have also been halted. Initially, per the protocols only 25 people were to gather at a time and even though the number has been increased to 100 (see the COVID-19 11th address by President Akuffo Addo: keeping up with the other aspect of the protocols is beyond the means of Radio Peace. So generally radio programme production has greatly been affected thus having a toll on our mission.

2. Financial: As a community radio, Radio Peace’s main source of income is derived from funeral and social announcements. Since the declaration of COVID-19 as a pandemic together with its protocols in March 2019 the station has not received any funeral announcement thus greatly affecting other activities of the station. It has become a real challenge settling our utility bills and paying out minimum allowances to Volunteers.

3. Acquiring PPEs: Radio Peace interacts with clients, guests on radio programmes among others and there is very essential to acquire Personal Protective Equipments (PPEs). This has become a real challenge as the Station is not well endowed to acquire them. Not much help has also come from the Health Directorate. Nonetheless the Station is doing what it can by having a NO MASK NO ENTRY policy.

4. Working remotely: Radio Peace has tried cutting down staff physical presence at the Radio Station to protect staff and volunteers. The challenge has been the hindrance of technology to work remotely. For instance, there was the need to cut down the number of guests on a regular current affairs programme: Amandzee Nkomo Twetwe. A decision was taken to have one guest and the presenter in the studio for the programme while two other guests are linked to the programme via phone. The challenge has been disruptions on the phone line thus affecting a smooth programme presentation.

Overcoming the Challenges

Indeed, COVID – 19 has created challenges in ways Radio Peace could not have envisaged. It has really changed the way things are done now at the Radio Station. The Station is doing its best to accept the fact that COVID -19 has become a phenomenon one has to adjust and cope with.

Radio Peace is trying to set new priorities when it comes to radio programming and fundraising. Further, Radio Peace has intensified, using the power of radio, public awareness about the role of Radio Peace and community radio.


Station Manager

Radio Peace


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